Re: [gtk-list] Re: closing dialog in Gtk--

robert havoc pennington <> writes:
> Hmm. Perhaps I'm doing something else wrong. Is this test case correct
> code?
> #include <gtk--.h>
> void close_callback ( Gtk_Dialog * gd )
> {
>   gd->hide();
>   delete gd;
> }
>   connect ( b->clicked,
> 	    close_callback,
> 	    gd );


> I think I may be confused about connect() and all its combinations of
> possible arguments.

I think there's some problem with that format of connect(), I've got one
bug report about it that it messes up the value passed, but I had
no time to look into it yet :( Print the value of gd inside callback to be
sure. If it looks bad, then its the same bug. (it does crash at gd->hide()
call, doesnt it? -- again couldnt test that coz no X here :( )

Also, the close_callback should always be &close_callback in connect()
I think. Some compilers might not like giving a reference to a
function in that... maybe it even matches the function-object template
to that and not the function ptr one? :) (hmm, gotta see if the
last bug report about this has the same problem...yuup, exactly
same situation... I think I know where to find the problem ;)

-- Tero Pulkkinen -- --

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