Re: [gtk-list] Re: PROPOSAL: Automatic wrapping of CLIs with GUIs

> Would it be possible for the freeware community (pushed by GNOME
>developers) to come up with an application level way of allowing this ?
>Even standardizing the output of "--help", so wickel, or something like it
>could scan the output, and workout what options it expects. I think it's a
>really horrible thing to have to make wickel configuration files for each
>and every application that your standard unix system has.

If every one in the unix community agreed to a standard, a
wickel-like program could be created. Sort of like 100% of
all the other unixware on the market.

> Or am I way out on what wickel is supposed to do...

I dunno... unix is THE open standard. The onus has always
been on the programmer to make sure his/her app will install
and be maintainable by the target operating system. Its a pain
in the rear, but don't think any one wants to change that.
I personally think Java is a great idea, its the most novel
and useful technology to come down the pike in a while. But
thats beggining to fragment now too. What do you do about it
and still have an open standard?

If you feel strongly about such a program, I would say write it.
Then see if it takes hold. Its the only way, really. You never
know, it just might turn out to be The Killer Utility.

Unix does do command line arguments by the way, in what I
would consider to be a very flexibl way. Perhaps more
flexible than you want?

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