Help me change container contents.

I have a question for all of you GTK gurus:

I have a program that has a vbox which contains
a v_paned widget and a status bar.
The v_paned widget contains an h_paned widget,
and a text widget.
The h_paned widget contains 2 clists.

It looks like this:

|       |       |
|clist1 |clist2 |
|       |       |
|               |
|text           |
|               |
|status bar     |

I would like to allow the user to switch to a
different view with a menu option that will
have clist1, clist2, and text as pages of a notebook.
The vbox would then contain the notebook, and the status

My question is:
What is the "Proper" way to do this?  What do I need
to hide/show/destroy/etc. and when?  What order?

I've tried various approachs with very limited success, 
but I felt it would be better to ask someone who
really knows what they're doing.

Thanks in advance for any knowledge imparted...

(Future Gnome Project Member)

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