pixmap question...

Hmmm...for some reason in C, when I attempt to create a pixmap, I get the
following warning:

** WARNING **: Creating pixmap from xpm with NULL window and colormap

I am following the example in the tutorial on how to add a pixmap to a
button with this process:

1) create a box to hold the pixmap
2) create the gdk pixmap with the box's window
3) create the pixmap widget from the gdk pixmap
4) add the pixmap widget to the box
5) add the box to the button

Any help would greatly be appreciated.



Jason A. Pfeil, Computer Science Graduate Student      101 Carothers Hall
http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~pfeil			       C3527 University Center
pfeil@cs.fsu.edu				       (850)644-8014

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