Re: [gtk-list] Re: Humble request...

On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Matthew Berg wrote:
> My real problem is that both the default and most custom widgets don't
> correct this behavior.

I'm thinking of adding the ability to configure this to Gnome
applications, since there's lots of disagreement and every app does it the
way the app author likes. It should be a one-hour or less job, not
counting cleanup of cases where people override the Gnome defaults in
their particular applications.

I'll allow choice on two dimensions:




In English, for the position, it's 
"Put dialogs at mouse pointer"
"Put dialogs in center of screen"
"Let window manager position dialogs"

Is there any window-manager independent way to describe the
toplevel/dialog choice in English?

I guess this won't help for Gtk-only apps, but you have to have standards
and policy to have non-app-specific configurability. Remember: less
programmer choice means more user choice. ;-)

Havoc Pennington ====

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