File Selection Problems


I am trying writing a very simple text editor in order to learn GTK+.  The main
window works fine, everything is in its place.  In order to put text into the
text widget I'm making a call from within the main program with:

gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT(mitem_open), "activate",

This makes a call to function 'openw', which has as its header

void openw (GtkObject *t_box) {...

Thus, I am passing the whole text widget to this other function.  Once inside, I
defined the "file selection widget" with:

p_666.owindow = gtk_file_selection_new("Open File:");

, where p_666 was defined as:

struct p_struct {
GtkText *tt_box;
GtkWidget *open_window;

tt_box will be made equivalent to t_box.  That is, the structure will have both
the selection and the text widgets.  Now I want to pass this structure to
another one in order to get the file selected in the "file selection widget"
when the 'ok_button' is pressed.  Also, note that the "file selection widget" is
shown in this first non-main function before transfering control for a second

Well, I'm trying to transfer control for a second time when the 'ok_button is
pressed with the "signal connect" function:

gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(open_window)->ok_button),
                             "clicked", (GtkSignalFunc)g_dude, p_666);

According to the tutorial, this should transfer control to the function "g_dude"
when the 'ok_button' is pressed.  In reality what happens is that I start the
program.  I go to the "file menu"; the sub menu opens down; I press "open", and
the "file selection widget" appears.  Everything looks great, but I get the
followng "Warning":

** WARNING **: gtk_signal_connect(): could not find signal "clicked in the
'GtkVBox' class ancestry

And this 'gtk_signal_connect' function is the one that I am using to transfer
the structure.  Well, I hope I made sense here, and I would appreciate
any comment from any interest listener.

Regards,  ajam.

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