Re: Widgets vs Gadgets

Patrice Fortier wrote:
>The problem may occur with widgets with a huge amount of children, like
>clist (or even ctree?), which can have +10.000 entries.
>But I think there are few cases like these (and I hope so, for my
>computer memory :)).
Well I've been suffering this in programs I've written using a toolkit
where *everything* has its own window (and *every* widget is usually
made of several components: put a Label inside a HighLighter inside a
ShadowBorder inside a MouseEventCatcher, and after you define behavior
you have a PushButton).
I remember filling a PackSplit container with more than one thousand
FileIcons (each of which had up to six subwidgets) and getting something
slow as hell when it came to scrolling and redrawing.
But I prefer widgets over gadgets, anyway.

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