Suggestions for GTK_CTREE API.


The gtk_ctree_settext,

functions currently don't let you change the information on a cell that is
on the tree column.  What these functions should be doing is to perform
the correct action regardless of the type of the cell.  For example, if
the cell is of type TEXT and the user calls set_pixtext(), then the cell
should be converted into type PIXTEXT.  This should also work for cells on
the tree column as well. 

This is for avoiding chunks of code like this one:

gtk_ctree_set_node_info(GTK_CTREE(gmoiss_tree), selected_node,
				text[0], TREE_SPACING, 
				stat_pix->pixmap, stat_pix->mask, 
				stat_pix->pixmap, stat_pix->mask, FALSE,
	gtk_ctree_set_text(GTK_CTREE(gmoiss_tree), selected_node,
			   1, text[1]);

which (for me) is very cumbersome...

Alan Aspuru Guzik
Theoretical Physics and Chemistry Department, Chemistry School.
UNAM, Mexico City.

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