GtkEditable gripes

i'm faced with a problem of wether this is The Right Way or not.

if a selection in an editable is made backwards, and these coordinates are
used in gtk_editable_get_chars like such:

string = gtk_editable_get_chars (text, text->editable.selection_start_pos,

a null string will be returned because selection_start_pos is greater than
selection_end_pos. is this the intended behavior? would an empty string be
more appropriate? or should gtk_editable_get_chars swap them if the
selection is backwards?

 _        _  __     __             _ _                                  _
|        / |/ /_ __/ /_____         |       Nuke Skyjumper               |
|       /    / // /  '_/ -_)        |         "Master of the Farce"      |
|_     /_/|_/\_,_/_/\_\\__/        _|_        _|

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