Re: [gtk-list] Re: New key-binding system

George wrote:
> Quoting matt (
> > example:  the user is in vi command mode in an entry widget.
> > if the user hits a 'l' i don't think the key_press_event handler
> > should be called.
> >
> > if it is called then the handler doesn't know if
> > the 'l' key was pressed in insert mode or command mode.
> >
> > This is why i think the binding method should choose
> > if and when all signals are sent out.
> well how about this ... have a "state" flag in the entry ... and if the
> state is instert (something that it would be for emacs bindings all the time)
> it's handeled normally if the state is something else it's not caught in
> key_press ... then when not in insert mode the user would bind the keys
> with bind to the normal actions just like emacs bindings ... that would mean
> about 3 lines in the keypress handler and one more field in the structure
> and you can make vi bindings ...

That is kind of what i was thinking except there needs to be a way to
when the user hits the <esc> key.    in this case if the user is in
then they drop to command mode.  BUT, if they are in command mode the
is sent to the handler.    NOTICE  this is differnt then the example
above, which
is why i think i have problems with the proposed methodology.

--matt wimer

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