Re: [gtk-list] Re: another scrollbar policy ?

I'm not so sure this is a good idea.  What about people with
tiny screens.  When I run Netscape on my laptops 640x480 I can't
access parts of some dialogs because they are off the screen.

I think a better solution would be to make the window big enough
to display the data unscrolled if it can fit on the screen if
GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC is specified.  For some reason I had to
set a fixed window size to make my window big enough so my 
clist shows up without scrollbars.  What's the algorithm for
computing the initial window size?


> On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Georg Greve wrote:
> > I'd like to hear some opinions about another scrollbar policy like:
> >
> >
> > That prevents a scrolled object to get a scrollbar of that kind and
> > automatically makes the minimum size in that direction whatever it
> > is.
> >

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