Window resizing

Good Day,

I want to resize a widget, but I don't want to use gtk_widget_set_usize().
It fixes the minimum size of a window, which is contrary to what I need.  I
was hoping that I may be able to use gtk_widget_size_request() but I don't
know if I am doing the sequence of steps in the correct order or not.

Here is what I am doing:
	drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new();
	GtkRequisition requisition = {xsize, ysize};
	gtk_widget_size_request(drawing_area, &requisition);

I believe that after this time, if the window manager is capable enough, it
should be able to satisfy the requisition. Instead, I get a 200x200 window.

Moreover, I do not quite understand the difference between
gtk_widget_realize() and gtk_widget_draw(). Can anyone elaborate on these.

Thanks in advance.


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