Re: [gtk-list] Re: IRC client

On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Elliot Lee wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Tony Gale wrote:
> > On 27-Jan-98 Jeff wrote:
> > > 
> > > has anyone started a GTK IRC client yet?
> > 
> > Yes. Me.
> > 
> > There is also one called girc as part of gnome, but it seems to be
> > vaporware.
> It's horrible as vaporware though - it actually works... (I'm rewriting
> parts of it, and there seems to be a bug with the tty windows not
> appearing (I think Tim Janik changed Gtk_TTY somehow, and the problem lies
> in obgnome...), but it fills all the basic needs of an IRC client -
> /server (and per-connection windows), /join, /msg etc. etc. All the
> network interface layer is done, just have to improve the UI and the IRC
> protocol handling a little. 

huh? i mainly made additions with the last release, nothing that should
stop the widget from appearing though...
anyways feel free to ask questions or provide test cases ;)

> Feel free to grab the code out of CVS and hack at it at your leisure.
> > ObGTK Question: I have a text widget (oh not again I hear you scream) 
> > with a vertical scrollbar attached, which works fine. But, when I insert
> > text I would like the view to change such that the new text becomes
> > visible if it goes off the bottom, ie. it scrolls down. How can I do
> > that?
> You connect to the "changed" (or is it "value_changed" signal on the
> adjustment used for the scroll bar...
> Something like:
> @implementation MyApp
> - initApp:(int) argc
>:(char ***) argv
> {
> .....
> 	myadjustment = [[Gtk_Adjustment alloc] initWithBlahInfo];
> 	[myadjustment connectObj:"value_changed" :self];
> .....
> }
> - value_changed:(id) the_signalled_object
> {
> 	if(the_signalled_object == myadjustment)
> 		{
> 			/* Move the text view here 
> 		}
> 	return self;
> }
> @end
> Hope this helps,
> -- Elliot
> "The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way
> to factor large prime numbers." -- Bill Gates from "The Road Ahead," p. 265.


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