Re: [gtk-list] Re: Project : Spin Button

Hi !

> > A spin button simply consists of an entry field with two 
> > arrow buttons (up and down) to the right of it :
> > 
> >  ------------- /\
> >  |    Item   | --  
> >  ------------- \/ 
> >  
> > It allows you to spin through a list of strings,
> > or increment/decrement integers or floats within
> > a specified range.
> (UI critique - spinners can be pretty annoying since they can
> require a lot of button clicks to get to where you want. I would
> almost always prefer having a entry+scale if there are a lot
> of possibilities or a combobox/optionmenu if there are a few.
> But spinners are space efficient if the user actually 
> wants to just increment or decrement the value by one or two.)

Example: printer dialog, number of copies. Normally 1, sometimes 2, 
most-of-the-time less than 10. I think this is a good idea.

But, should a widget like this go into GTK ? I think this should go into a 
slightly higher library.

GDK - drawing
GTK - widgets (entry, buttons)
other - combination of entry and buttons.

			Jens Ch. Restemeier

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