Re: [gtk-list] gdk... um......... wtf?

> Um.. okay.. is there anyone who has tried to mesh Xlib code with gdk
> before? things arne't looking good.. a simple function call that SHOULD
> work.. and without gdk always has worked, now fails wiht low-level X
> errors..... has anyone seen this before?
> gdb:
> ** ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)

I've mixed the two fairly extensively, without much bad happening.

I've also seen that error fairly extensively. It has usually meant
that memory was being trashed somewhere, often quite far away
from the occurrence. (And often not in my code)

But I'd first check if disp has something reasonable in it. 
That was often the thing the was being trashed, and I'm made
a little suspicious by the cast:

>    disp=(Display *)gdk_display;

Since gdk_display should already have the type (Display *), if you
needed a cast, something might be going wrong. On the other hand,
disp can't be total trash, if the earlier XShmQueryExtension worked.

One approach for such errors has been to put in harmless X calls in
various places earlier in my code and see where they start failing.

There might be something more obviously wrong, of course, but I
don't see it off-hand.

Good luck,

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