Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK widget: Round dial

> ->  Please don't Enlightenment-ize gtk... Please DON'T...   All these sort of
> ->  features should be optional, NOT IN GTK CORE.  Functionality is more important
> ->  than look and feel.   
> the functionality is already there... i'm adding the embelishments.. if
> you didnt read my other mails you may have missed the bit about it
> being "optional". ie if you dont specicy a themebed background pixmap
> for a widget it will behave exactly as it does now. I see nothing
> harmful about this. 

I have not followed this whole thread since I just got on this list, but
the customizability of gtk seems to be one of it's strongest points.  I
was impressed most by it's rc file support and how you can specify pixmaps
for almost anything and customize the colors with ease.  This makes the UI
much prettier to look with no need to recompile.


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