Re: [gtk-list] drag and drop protocol: compatible with gtk? (Andy Tai) writes:

> I saw the following announcement from
> ----


> With help from Arnt Gulbrandsen at Troll Tech and Elliot Lee from RedHat
> Software, I have developed what we believe to be an efficient, complete,
> safe, and easy to understand protocol for intra- and inter-application
> Drag-And-Drop under X Windows.  Arnt has implemented it in Troll Tech's Qt
> widget library, I have implemented it in the JX application framework, and
> we have proved inter-operability of the two implementations, thereby
> allowing users to exchange data between any Qt program and any JX program.
> We strongly urge other developers to consider supporting this protocol so
> end users can get the maximum benefit from Drag-And-Drop.  Both sample
> source and a test program that can be used as both drag source and drop
> target are available.  The protocol is described at
> Sincerely,
> John Lindal
> ----
> Is this the same protocol implemented in gtk?   Else, would it be benefital to
> try to make them compatible?

What is implemented in GTK is a earlier version of this protocol.
It won't interoperate right now, but presumably the protocol in GTK
will be updated to conform. Looking at the web page, it is a definite
improvement over what is in GTK now, though I'm still not completely 
satisfied with it. It does a pretty good job at being a nice simple,
lightweight protocol.

Personally, I'd like to use this opportunity to reorganize DND in GTK
so that we can later add Motif DND interoperability without changing
the the API. (And also clean up some of the mess in
gdk_event_translate.) I'll put out a proposal in the next day or two.


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