Problem with clean shutdown


I've just joined this list, so please bear with me if this question has
been asked here before.  In trying out the Hello World application in the
tutorial -- the one that brings up a small window with a button labeled
"Hello World" that should cleanly exit when pressed -- I keep getting the
following error when the button is clicked with the mouse:

** ERROR **: an x io error occurred

This error occurs _after_ the "Hello World" string is printed to the

In looking at this a little closer, the backtrace seems to indicate that
the GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE signal is being handled, which somewhere along the
way calls gdk_window_destroy(...), which in turn gets down to a call to
gdk_window_get_children(...).  Now in the function
gdk_window_get_children(...) in the file gdkwindow.c, a call is being made
to the Xlib function XQueryTree(...), where an io exception is getting
thrown.  The gdk function that prints the above error message is the one
passed to XSetIOErrorHandler(...) when then gdk is initialized.  The only
clue the man pages tell me is that my application may be losing its
connection to  the X Server.

Also, this same error message comes up I try to click on any button in
the testgtk application.  Most of these buttons are supposed to bring up
child windows rather than terminating the appliation, so on my system
this seems to be a fairly general problem with buttons handling mouse

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions as to what might be happening, I
would greatly appreciate either a posting here or a private e-mail response.

Thanks very much in advanced.

Mark Hirayama

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