Qt/KDE Netscape -- An estimate of Work! (fwd)

For those interested: I found next article on the qt mailing list.


John McNulty wrote:
> From jm@uvo.dec.com  Tue Feb  3 23:56:28 1998
> Sender: owner-qt-interest@troll.no
> Precedence: list
> X-Loop: qt-interest
> Message-Id: <34D5CD58.A2F4049E@uvo.dec.com>
> Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 13:42:48 +0000
> From: John McNulty <jm@uvo.dec.com>
> Organization: Digital Equipment Co Ltd.
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> To: kde@fiwi02.wiwi.uni-tuebingen.de
> Cc: qt-interest@troll.no
> Subject: Qt/KDE Netscape -- An estimate of Work!
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> All,
> I'm sure after Netscape's source code announcement, a number of 
> people (like me) must have wondered about the possibility of a
> port to KDE and/or Qt.  So I asked one of the Netscape engineers
> for an opinion on this.  Below is the answer I got.
> -----------Forwaded Message
> > I'm not after a definitive answer here, just a finger in the air 
> > guestimate.  How much work would it take, or how easy/hard do think
> > it would be, to port free Netscape to use Qt instead of Motif? 
> > 
> 1. The GUI frontend is clearly seperated from the rest of the browser
>    by a well defined API (which all 3 frontends - MFC, Mac, Motif -
>    use).
> 2. There are about 50 widgets ( ls *.c | wc -l) that are Netscape
>    specific, which'll have to be ported.
> 3. The GUI itself is composed of around 160 C++ files, which
>    instantiate these widgets.
> Depending on the number of people working on it, it could take
> anywhere between 2 months to an year. Of course, stripped down
> versions are possible in a shorter period of time.
> -----------Forwaded Message
> So if anyone put there is thinking about this, you can use
> this as a guideline to figure out how much work is involved.
> John
> --------------------------------------------------------
> John McNulty                     | Email: jm@uvo.dec.com
> UK CSC, Unix Support Group       | Tel: (44) 1256 373862
> Digital Equipment Corporation    | DTN: 833-3862
> Disclaimer:  The views expressed are the author's alone,
> and not necessarily those of DIGITAL Equipment Corporation
> -- 
> List archive and information: http://www.troll.no/qt-interest/

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#define ADDRESS "mgr. Nelislaan 10"  
#define CITY    "4741 AB Hoeven"    
#define COUNTRY "The Netherlands"  
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