Bug in fileselection [0.99.3] ?

I took out the code from the testgtk.c modified it so that when
choosing a file the fileselection window was destroyed (calling
gtk_detroy_widget(fileselectionwindow) from the callback function
of the Ok button). This works fine if you choose a file and then press
the Ok button. If you however double click on a file the whole program
crashes with a BadWindow error or some such. 

I also tested the code with gtk+-971025 and it worked there, no

Preben Randhol                    | If you want to travel around the world
Tlf    73940929/(735)94076 [arb]  | and be invited to speak at a lot of
Email  randhol@pvv.org            | different places, just write a Unix
http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/      | operating system.    -- Linus Torvalds

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