[gtk-list] gtk and threads -Reply

... My experience with Gtk and threads is the same.  The
way I handled the problem was to have T1 always be 
responsible for updating the GUI.  T2..n use callbacks
to insert messages into  mutex protected queues (owned by T1)
which are then checked at certain intervals by T1 and, if need be,
the GUI is then updated.

  Sean Kessler

>>> "Keane, Kevin" <kkeane@lehman.com> 12/16/98 11:08am >>>

Has anyone used gtk clist with threads?

I'd like to have one thread reading data delivered via CORBA (and 
changing some cells in a clist with gtk_clist_append() or
gtk_clist_set_text() ), 
and another thread doing gtk_main(), and responding to gui stuff.

It appears to me that gtk doesn't like to be messed with from two (or more

Any suggestions?

Thanks, KRK

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