Re: [gtk-list] Drawing rotated text

I've just began using gtk/gdk, but I can say to you (I've seen it) you
wont get ratation (kind of animation) without flicking -- use double
buffering (pixmap backing).

And about rotation -- maybe gtkglarea (GL widget) will help you
( and you'll need mesaGL --
free OpenGL libraries, thay can be get on

For the latest gtkglarea you'll need gtk+ 1.1.5 or higher so if you'll get
1.1.7 some of applications you built you'll have to recompile and
some wont't work anyway because of removing some functions in 1.1.7 e.g. 

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Lyndon Drake wrote:

> Can anyone suggest a method for drawing rotated text?  On most

> (BTW, I'm drawing directly to a DrawingArea.)

Alexander Kotelnikov
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

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