Re: [gtk-list] Multi-Tiered Notebook widgets?

>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Forrester <> writes:

    > Has any work been done on, or did I just miss a way, to do a
    > multi-tiered notebook container widget?  Something along the
    > lines of:

    > /label-1\_/label-2\_/label-3\_ ------- ------- ------- |
    > /label-4\_/label-5\_/label-6\_|

This sort of thing has the tendency to be a usability nightmare.  The
problem being that, to select a tab in the back, you have to either
break the visual metaphor or move the tabs around, both of which are

Even Microsoft seems to be moving towards something more like this
when there isn't enough horizontal space to fit all of the tabs:

/label-1\_/label-2\_/label_3\_ |<| |>|

Where |<| and |>| are two little buttons with arrows on them that let
you scroll the notebook tabs in and out of view.

It looks like GTK (or at least GNOME) does the same.


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