Re: [gtk-list] Re: problems compiling simple stuff

> Well, I tried what you said, and on the first part, the:
> gcc 'gtk-config --cflags' window.c
> it said:
>  gcc: gtk-config --cflags: No such file or directory

That's because you're using the "'" mark, instead of the "`" mark.  Note
hte first is a regular apostrophe, and the latter is a back-tick. :)

Confused the heck out of me at first too. :D

> does that help any?

If it works better for you, you could use cut/paste to create  a Makefile,
which would automate the tasks a bit.

      KC5TJA/6     |                  -| TEAM DOLPHIN |-
        DM13       |                  Samuel A. Falvo II
    QRP-L #1447    |

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