Re: [gtk-list] scrolling in GtkCList

On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Sergei Naumov wrote:

> Hi!
> I would like to scroll the items in CList to the very end when I add one more
> item (I do not want to select the last item, tough). Right now, when one
> adds an item to the CList, the list stays at the current position.
> Is there any way to achieve that? Thanks much,
> 	Sergei

/* scroll the viewing area of the list to the given column
 * and row; row_align and col_align are between 0-1 representing the
 * location the row should appear on the screnn, 0.0 being top or left,
 * 1.0 being bottom or right; if row or column is -1 then then there
 * is no change */
void gtk_clist_moveto (GtkCList * clist,
                       gint row,
                       gint column,
                       gfloat row_align,
                       gfloat col_align);

Read the headers!!!


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