resizing children of paned

I am using a vertical paned window to show two widgets.
The widget on the left is a tree. When the paned window first
comes up the left widget is squished. How can I set the position
of the sash in the paned window. I see child1_size in the _GtkPaned
structure but setting it before showing the widget doesn't seem to work.

I also see handle_xpos but it doesn;t seem to do anything either.

Is there a standard method for doing this?

   | Todd Dukes                      E-MAIL: |
   | Motorola Somerset                  Phone:   (512) 424-8008 |
   | MS OE70                                                    |
   | 6300 Bridgepoint Parkway Building #3                       |
   | Austin, Texas 78730                                        |

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