Changing Pixmaps in gtktreeitem

I would like to be able to change the pixmaps used for each treeitem in
a list.
Looking at the source it doesn't look posible now. I didn't see this in
the TODO,
is anyone considering doing this? Is there some great reason it
shouldn't be done
if I can find the time to do it.

Complete flexibility is not needed, but I would like to add pixmaps for
leaf items
that show whether they are open or closed. Is there some way of doing
this that I
am not seeing?


   | Todd Dukes                      E-MAIL: |
   | Motorola Somerset                  Phone:   (512) 424-8008 |
   | MS OE70                                                    |
   | 6300 Bridgepoint Parkway Building #3                       |
   | Austin, Texas 78730                                        |

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