[gtk-list] known bug still in 1.0.0.

  A couple of weeks ago I sent a patch (gtk-fortier-980405-0 or
something like that) to correct a bug in the scrolled_window

  The gtk_scrolled_window_foreach function is buggy. It only does
one third of its job:
calling this function only send the callback to the viewport widget,
and not to the scrollbars.
What's the need of a foreach function if you don't send the callback
for each widget in this widget???

A quick example:

I want to unrealize my scrolled_window:

gtk_widget_unrealized is called and it executes this:

  if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER (widget))
    gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER (widget),

Now foreach does NOT send gtk_widget_unrealize to the scrollbars
of the scrolled_window, so they're not unrealized :(.

If you want a function to send the callback only to the viewport
widget, call it *_foreach_in_viewport or whatever you want but
not foreach.


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