Re: [gtk-list] gtk-- problem :(

Ronald Lembcke <> writes:
> I hope this is the right place to ask (or does a gtk-- mailinglist exist?
> than I'd ask there ... but didn't notice one till now...)
> Ok... I just want a CList in a window with a few other widgets...
> But it produces the following error, and I have no idea where it
> comes from... :(

This is known bug in CList constructor. (its even in release notes of
latest version of gtk-- and is fixed in next release).

workarounds are:
1) change CList constructor so that the _construct() method is
called before initilaization of the scrollbars.(you need to use operator, to
do this, because they are in constructor initialization lists) Rebuild gtk--.

here's the constructor code:

Gtk_CList::Gtk_CList(int columns, gchar *titles[])
  : Gtk_Container(GTK_CONTAINER(gtk_type_new(c_class.get_type()))),
    // Note, gtk_clist_construct must be done before the vscrollbar and
    // hscrollbar is accessed, thus I use the ,-operator to enforce order.
    // this code also depends on C++'s feature that construction of members
    // is done in correct order.
    vscrollbar((gtk_clist_construct(GTK_CLIST(gtkobject), columns, titles),
    select_row("select_row", this),
    unselect_row("unselect_row", this),
    click_column("click_column", this)



2) create the clist with C function gtk_clist_new() and then create the wrapper
using different constructor (Gtk_Clist::Gtk_Clist(GtkCList *o)).

-- Tero Pulkkinen -- --

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