
Check out the new version of pgpa (gtk-based, glorified gnuplot + a little
symbolic intelligence). It now has it's own parser.

It's a complete BUG-dom, and a definite premature release, but if you're
tender with it, you should enjoy working with it. Please let me know what
you think. All the glaring shortcoming will be taken care of shortly. If I
get enought responces I'll keep announcing further releases.


PS: You will notice that the "Close" button does not work very well. It
calls gtk_main_quit() which I guess quits gtk_main() but doesn't actually
get rid of the windows. Also, the next attempt to "do" a certain function
(which calls gtk_main() after it's been quit()) crashes the application. 
So , q: what do you do to repeatedly enter and quit the "gui mode".
q2: The obvious next step is to have the parser work in a widget. Will
gtk_text_widget be the solution? How's the text widget doing, anyway?

  Pavel Grinfeld      |        |
  (212) 449 1318 (w)  |  (718) 797 1688 (h)

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