Re: [gtk-list] [patch] Multi-line labels and enhanced tooltips

On Thu, 12 Jun 1997 wrote:

> Ok, here it is the multi-line label widget and a modified
> gtktooltips widget.
> Now you can say gtk_label_new("A label\nthat spawns\nmany lines.")
> and gtk_label_set_justify(label, GTK_JUSTIFY_{LEFT,RIGHT,CENTER}).
> I modified the gtk_label widget: maybe we should add a "set" signal
> to it?
> In gtklabel.c I've embedded a test program that shows the
> interaction between alignment and justification (define TEST).

This patch is very cool.

The next thing that labels need to do is contain themselves and 
be able to draw if they are given anything bigger than 1x1 
allocation. (1x1 appears the magic number before the widget is
actually given any space.)

Labels need to have their own window in order to contain the area they
are allowed to draw in, correct?  Is there any easy way to make a
see through window so that it can still work in the same manner it 
does currently?  This clear window thing is also needed for the 
notebook widget's background.  The area above the depressed tabs looks
odd if it's container isn't the same color.  (Like in testgtk.)

Shawn T. Amundson		University of Minnesota
Systems Administration	 	Computer Science System Staff     	

while (i) { last }
    i, do exist.

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