Re: [gtk-list] Re: RE:menu bar justification ?

On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, Raph Levien wrote:

> > This is another thing that should apply to all widgets.  (fill, expand)
> > I assume this would be a difficult change?
> The question is: what does this buy you? Certainly, it's one way to 
> implement right justification in menus, but are there any other places 
> where it is helpful? Considering that there are far easier ways to 
> right justify menus, I don't see it as being a particularly good idea to 
> implement in gtk+.

It is generally helpful.  

The notebook widget tabs:  
  If you have the widget inside them set to expand, they are centered.
  If you then put them to fill, they grow to be the size of the tab.
  (Extremely useful!)

The basic theory here is that if you have a container, all the widgets
inside it should not necessarily add up to it's size;  a container should
not necessarily be based on the size of the widgets either.  

I'm not certain that this is the same idea as glue.  Glue implies 
sticky.  This would have different purposes, like to tell a widget
to stick to north and south and not east and west, thus making it
expand with the container (or at least sticking to nearby widgets)
when the container was expanded n/s.  This would usually only be 
implemented in tables and boxes.

Shawn T. Amundson		University of Minnesota
Systems Administration	 	Computer Science System Staff     	

while (i) { last }
    i, do exist.

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