[gtk-list] button look/feel (was Re: C++ Wrappers)

On Sat, 14 Jun 1997, Otto Hammersmith wrote:

> > Just please make the button label move as you press it!! Please
> > please please. I see no problem with the way Windows does it, maybe
> > it's not ABSOLUTELY realistic, but it's something most of us are
> > used to and it does RELATIVELY look realistic.
> I'm not used to it, and I don't think it's even close to realistic,
> much less pleasing.  I'm happy with the background color change,
> personally.  Am I the minority?  I doubt it.

If you want to go by majority, then the way Win95 does it is the
correct way.  But that's a lame excuse for anything. ;-)

The notebook tabs shift the child widget one or two pixels left/right.
Why is it more acceptable there?  (The tabs feel better than the
buttons, BTW.)

Shawn T. Amundson		University of Minnesota
Systems Administration	 	Computer Science System Staff
amundson@cs.umn.edu	  	http://www.cs.umn.edu/~amundson/     	

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