Re: [gtk-list] Drag and Drop, try 1

Elliot Lee wrote:
>         I'm hoping to get Motif DND protocol docs and implement that.
>         KDE uses Offix protocol version 0 as a base and then adds
>         DndEnter and DndLeave events, making it Yet Another protocol to
>         support.
>         (this implementation is vanilla OffiX protocol version 1).
Note that most probably KDE will use a different protocol in a near 
future, since Troll Tech promised to add Drand And Drop to Qt 1.3, 
which is promised to be released "in summer". Hope the Trolls will
choose a good protocol, they always do the right thing programmingwise.
If only Qt was LGPL!

It would be nice, however, if gtk would support DND to/from KDE, since
I (as many others) see KDE as a wide-spread desktop environment in the


P.S. I don't want to start a flamewar, but has anybody asked why did
     the autors choose C for gtk? I mean my heart hurts when I see
     all the "C++ emulation" stuff. IMHO well written C++ code can be
     as small/fast as C, and there's one BIG advantage that I see.
     Here it is: I bet that every gtk_*_new() call returns a pointer
     to malloc()'ed GtkWidget, right? Widget structures are pretty
     small, right? The heap fragmentation gets pretty big, also the
     overhead of having a lot of small heap chunks appears. Damn, 
     testgtk eats 2M on my Linux system, where any of the Qt demos
     eat about 1M (I'm not subtracting the shared lib size, I know
     several apps would share it, but I'm taking a standalone app).
     And with C++ you can easily create widgets on the stack or agregate
     them into other classes. Allright, just don't start a flamewar,
     that's just a simple $0.0002.

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