Re: [gtk-list] Re: color handling.

On Thu, 17 Jul 1997 wrote:

> On 17 Jul 1997, Jeff wrote:
> > hm, why should one use the menu factory?  I do them all by hand, with
> > one function for each 'recursion' down in the menubar, seems to work
> > fine for I missing something?
> Using the menu factory makes handling the GIMP's style of keyboard
> shortcut easy to implement. (i.e., hit a key combination while
> the menu item is selected.) This was the main reason I switched
> over to using it in the last release of gsumi. Otherwise, there
> probably is no big reason to use it, other than a certain amount of
> convenience for big menus, and the ability to borrow code from the

Hmm.. the only problem I've run into using the menu factories, is the use
of the "/" to seperate menus.. When we wrote the bookmark menu in gzilla,
any url with a / in it would create a submenu in the menu.. kind of
anoying.  If Anyone knows a way to escape these off hand I'd like to
know, or it will have to be rewritten eventually..


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