Re: [gtk-list] PLUG-INS access outside gimp?

On Wed, 16 Jul 1997, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to do some manipulations with TIFF images using gtk.  Is there
> any way to use the tiff.c plug-in to load/save TIFF files into/from
> the internal bitmap representation of gimp.  

Not to discourage you, but it seems pretty complicated to take
over the role of the GIMP in communicating with plug-ins, largely
because of the need to handle tiles. If you just need to
deal with tiff's, I might suggest looking at libtiff as a simpler
way of doing this. On the other hand, if you want greater 
flexibility, you could consider making your program a GIMP plug-in
itself - then you could make PDB calls to handle loading and saving.


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