Re: [gtk-list] gtk docs - anyone working on them ?

On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Ian Main wrote:

> I'm just curious if anyone is working on documentation right now ?  I
> would be willing to help, and was just wondering if anyone has already
> started ?  

I started a FAQ, and will probably be maintaining and adding to it
periodically.  Raph has done a couple tutorials.  All docs I know of
are located at:

I've started one tutorial on how to write composite widgets.

> I was thinking of a tutorial style doc.. something that takes you through
> with examples and explains the calls and ideas/philosophy.
> I've been pretty busy lately, but things should smooth out in a few weeks
> and I'll have more time again. 

I can host this on my GTK web pages for this without any problem.  
I can also help write them.

Shawn T. Amundson		University of Minnesota
Systems Administration	 	Computer Science System Staff     	

WARNING:  Perl code is bleeding from my ears.  Please stand back while
          I try and suck it back in.  The medics have been called and 
          are bringing the Guinness.  Guinness will fix everything.

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