Re: [gtk-list] Re: GdkColorContext description

On Dec 19, 11:33am, Patrice Fortier wrote:
> I must also say that to test this stuff, we might need peolpe with
> high end gfx stations like SGI...
> For example, on SGI the default visual is 8 bits PseudoColor, and
> you can access a 24 bits TrueColor visual if required (not always
> the case for gnome, but definitly usefull for gimp).

	I have access to several kinds of SGI, I can help testing this. Also, I
just satrting to code with Gtk, I'm a biologist, and it's my first experiment
in X window environment (I just know a little bit about vibrant). I want to
recode something that was coded under Sunview (in fact, I can just keep the
data management algorithm and organization ideas) that is completely broken in
non-8bits displays. So I am interested in testing solutions to port the same
apply to several displays.

	If I can help, at least, I probably will need the solution ;-).


Francois Jeanmougin     | groupe de bioinformatique / bioinformatics groupe
tel:(+33) 3 88 65 32 71 | IGBMC BP 163 67404 Illkirch France
"Ce sont des desespoirs d'intellectuels ennuyes, ou des ennuis 
d'intellectuels desesperes, comme vous voulez, comme vous voulez" M. Benin

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