Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gtk & Perl

On Sun, 17 Aug 1997, Kenneth Albanowski wrote:

> Mine is definitely functional, though I do get some interesting crashses
> every now and then. I apologize for not asking whether anyone else was
> working on such a project, but I more or less started the thing on a lark,
> and it just got out of hand. :-) 


> Of course, even with these limitations, much is possible. This is my
> translation of 970606's simple.c:
> 	use Gtk;
> 	use vars qw($window $button);
> 	sub hello {
> 	        Gtk->print("hello world\n");
> 	}
> 	$window = new Gtk::Widget       "GtkWindow",
> 	                GtkObject::user_data            =>      undef,
> 	                GtkWindow::type                 =>      0,
> 	                GtkWindow::title                =>      "hello world",
> 	                GtkWindow::allow_grow           =>      0,
> 	                GtkWindow::allow_shrink         =>      0,
> 	                GtkContainer::border_width      =>      10;
> 	$button = new Gtk::Widget       "GtkButton",
> 	                GtkButton::label                =>      "hello world",
> 	                GtkObject::signal::clicked      =>      "hello",
> 	                GtkWidget::parent               =>      $window,
> 	                GtkWidget::visible              =>      1;
> 	show $window;
> 	main Gtk;

Something like the below is *much* better for Perl:

use Glib; # Exports g_print, etc.
use Gtk;  # Only exports GtkMainLoop()

my $app = new Gtk::Application;

my $window = $app->Window(
                          -user_data    => undef,
                          -type         => 0,
                          -title        => 'hello world',
                          -allow_grow   => 0,
                          -allow_shrink => 0,
                          -border_width => 10

my $button = $app->Button( # Should allow $window->Button to rid -parent arg
                          -label       => 'hello world',
                          -sig_clicked => sub { g_print "hello world\n"; },
                          -parent      => $window,
                          -visible     => 1


GtkMainLoop $app;

> I'll mail you a copy -- it's not too large.

Please me too.  I'd recommend letting the whole list at it for a week or
so before you put it up on CPAN.  ;-)

Shawn T. Amundson		Complete Internet Solutions
Senior Systems Administrator	Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

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    i, do exist.

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