ANNOUMCEMENT: Free Software Union SIG-i18n

Announcing the FSU Special Interest Group on Internationalization
(FSU SIG-i18n)

In the time between this post and August 15th, 1997 the Free
Software Union will be activating its Special Interest Group on
Internationalization (SIG-i18n). This group is meant as a
central forum for all people in the Free Software community who
want to discuss issues dealing with internationalization
(multilingual support in free software) and as a host for new
and existing projects related to these areas.

Topics in the scope of FSU SIG-i18n include:
- Awareness of the need for internationalization among 
  free software authors
- Software design issues for adoption to different language
- International language support in free software OSes, 
  Graphics and Windowing APIs
- Promotion of the use of international character coding standards
- Internationalization tools
- Internationalization projects
- Multilingual Application Development
- Font for multiple languages
- Scripts and input methods
- Translation issues 

(This list is is open for your ideas)

Preliminary chairperson: Andy Tai <>

Please contact the chairperson for more info on
SIG-i18n, or ask questions on

Preliminary web maintainer: Andy Tai <>

The SIG-i18n web site is scheduled to go online on August,
15th at

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