Re: [gtk-list] New GtkTutorial Page

Ian Main wrote:
> I've just setup a front-page to the tutorial at
> You can d/l the sgml source, an html tarball of the whole thing, or view
> it as online html.
> I've also started a changelog so you'll be able to see any new additions
> that are made to the tutorial.
> I'll probably add some screenshots of gtk and other odds and ends here in
> the future.  This'll give me a good place to post new news about gtk too

How about adding some propaganda to the tutorial? E.g. I tried
to make a minimal program to make a button with "hello world"
with a callback to exit(0) in GTK and Motif and here's what I
see:  :)

vlad      1216  2.7  6.3  4308  3000  p2 S   22:02   0:00 ./xmhello 
vlad      1217  0.7  1.8  2104   872  p2 S   22:02   0:00 ./gtkhello 

Notice the difference in memory usage. GTK version is also faster
to come up on the screen.

Tutorial is pretty good, thank you. There are some types though:

Where the first arguement is the widget which will be emitting the
There are other similar functions which we will look at in the section
^^^^^^--I don't know what that means.

Another course of events, is to use the window manager to kill the
This will also cause the window to emit the "destroy" signal, and again
the destroy() callback is called whcih exits gtk. 
Because the gtk_widget_destroy() function accepts only a GtkWidget
as an arguement,
      ^^^^^^^^^^--remove "e"

Note that these signals are not the same as the Unix system signals, and
are not implemented using them, although the terminalogy is almost
                                             ^^^^^^^^^^---should be "o".

These ones I spotted by glancing at

(I haven't had the time to read the whole thing)


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