Pango: font properties?

Greetings Gnomers,
This is a question for any Pango gurus out there :-)  I using libRSVG to to translations from SVG -> Raster, and this is one awesome package.  I understand that is uses Pango for rendering fonts, so this got me interested in Pango which looks like another awesome Gnome project .. 
Basically I want to know if I can query Pango to find out if it supports a font, and some general properties about this font.  Particularly useful to me would be to know what the character size (i.e. width and height) for a font is, so I could compare font sizes.  So for example, to be clear, Arial characters compared with Arial Black, we can see that Arial Black a greater width ....
I was looking through: and it kinda looks like you can (maybe with pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width () ) but I was wondering if anyone could either give me a dummies approach or point me to an example of how to call this and let me know this is possible ...  
Thanks grealy to all,

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