Re: [Silgraphite-devel] Re: Pango and SILGraphite was Re: Possible Pango 1.4 ideas

ytang0648 aol com writes:

> Owen:
> I am reading the Pango 1.1.6 code
> and it seems there are several example about the script_shape you talk about under the pango-1.1.6/modules directory.

Yes, basically a "shaper module" is just an implementation of 
> One question. How does pango decide which shaper to use ? What is
> the algorithm (based on PangoCoverage ?) to dertermine which shaper
> to be used?

The current algorithm is that modules are registered by:

 Backend (Xft fonts, old style X fonts, win32 fonts, etc.)
 Covered ranges

And for a given backend, Pango always picks the same shaper for the 
same range.

This system would clearly need to be extended a bit if we had
different shapers for different subtypes of fonts (OpenType,
Graphite) fonts within the same Xft backend.


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