Re: [Fonts]Re: Font lookup ranges [was Re: Notes on Pango Xft backend]

Yao Zhang wrote:
> ...
> But in my opinion, combining different Chinese fonts together to get
> a bigger coverage is generally not a good idea.  I see this kind of thing
> happens in Mozilla, GTK+ 2.  When I see it, the only effect is that it tells
> me I should change my font settings, the same as I see undisplayable, square
> substitute showing on my screen.  So why go through all the trouble to
> implement something no one will like.

Current fonts each tend to cover one language and *English*. 
One of the main intents of larger code coverage is to allow 
documents to have two or more languages where none of them is 
English. For example, what font setting could you pick if the 
document had:

  Traditional Chinese and Cyrillic

  Simplified Chinese and Thai

  Korean and Japanese

  Portuguese and Devanagari

Brian Stell

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