Re: Porting Pango - attempting to render right to left text.

Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> said:

> <dleach qnx com> writes:
> > Hello Everyone,
> > 
> > I am using Pango 1.00, and attempting to port it to a proprietary OS
> > font system (QNX Rtp).  Anyhow, not the simplest task.  I have
> > it all compiled, as well a glib, gmodule, gobject, iconv, intl, charset,
> > and fribidi. I also ported the arabic, hebrew, and latin plugins.
> Sounds like a bit of a chore :-)
> (I assume that by fribidi, you mean the included version... using an
> external fribidi has intentionally been disabled.)

No, I have -DHAVE_FRIBIDI defined on the compile line.
I assume this is a "Bad Thing" (tm)?

> The ? should in fact be at the right since it sounds like your global direction is LTR.

Yes, the default is LTR.  In this font manager, one
only have access to the string, and the font for
rendering ... no real "context".

How would one determine whether to set the base direction
to LTR or RTL?  Is it safe to say one has to pick
one or the other, or should a flag be implemented
on my end to allow a user using the QNX font API
to set their default base direction?

> As for
> the other characters.. they look plausible. The attached image is the text corresponding to
> your code points, once as is, once with a right-to-left mark appended, as render by the
> Xft backend for Pango.
> I've also attached the text I used as UTF-8.

Great, I will review them.

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