Re: gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location() in GtkTextView

>There is an open bug in bugzilla on this:
>The patch there from Hidetoshi has the same problem as yours, it
>updates the spot hint at essentially random times.
>We need to think through exactly what cases will result in the cursor
>location changing, and update the spot hint in response to those
>cases, rather than simply updating it on every event or the like.

Then, in the gtk_text_view_update_im_spot_location, how about doing:

static gint gcursor_x = 0, gcursor_y = 0;
gint new_cursor_x, new_cursor_y;

gtk_text_view_get_virtual_cursor_pos (text_view, &new_cursor_x, &new_cursor_y);

if (new_cursor_x != gcursor_x || new_cursor_y != gcursor_y)
  area.x = cursor_x_pos;
  area.y = cursor_y_pos;
  area.width = area.height = 0;
  gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location (text_view->im_context, &area);

Or, how about doing this in the gtk_im_context_set_cursot_location()?


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