Re: Another --> Re: GtkMovementStep of GtkTextView

    Owen> You might want to try it out and see if it does what you want.  The
    Owen> one thing that may not be desirable for some languages is that if
    Owen> you are sitting after a compound grapheme and hit delete, it deletes
    Owen> the entire grapheme.

    Owen> It may be desirable to make this configurable.. while I can imagine
    Owen> that if you have a complex cluster in an Indic language you may just
    Owen> want to undo the last typed key if you make a typo, Europeans will
    Owen> no doubt not enjoy the experience of having ü<Delete> produce u.

Having dabbled with issues like this for some time, we found that in most
cases, deleting the whole cluster was acceptable and often expected.  But
Korean and Vietnamese users, though they could live with more general
behavior, wanted the last key typed to be deleted and not the whole group of
keys that made up the Hangul/vowel respectively.
Mark Leisher                      Times are bad.  Children no longer obey
Computing Research Lab            their parents, and everyone is writing
New Mexico State University       a book.
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL                -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Las Cruces, NM  88003

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