XIM inputstyle

(Please disregard the previous post.)

Through exisging GtkIMContext API, Gtk applications can choose either 
on-the-spot(XIMPreeditCallback|XIMStatusCallback) or 
root-window(XIMPreeditNothing|XIMStatusNothing) for XIM's inputstyle.

But, there isn't a way to choose other combinations, for instance,
XIMPreeditNothing|XIMStatusCallback or XIMPreeditCallback|XIMStatusNothing.
Actually, XIMPreeditCallback|XIMStatusNothing should be desired, as
status callback is not well implemented in the current GtkIMContextXIM,
and XIMStatusCallback might be not always the best way to be combined
with XIMPreeditCallback.

Can we create properties in either GtkIMContext or GtkIMContextXIM to
select user's preferable XIM inputstyle? Or any better way to do that?


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