Re: Building pango using glib 1.2.*

Prabhat Hegde <prabhath mpkmail Eng Sun COM> writes:
> Is there any specific reason for using glib 1.3.* to build pango?
> I am trying to use pango on a product using glib 1.2.8 and would
> like to avoid a glib upgrade, if possible. A quick grep seemed
> to indicate that the glib symbols used by pango don't seem to have 
> any 1.3.x dependencies - or am i missing something?

There are significant 1.3 dependencies, such as the glib unicode
support and object system. Pango is still unstable/beta so depends on
unstable/beta glib.

note that you can install/use both 1.2 and 1.3 glib at the same time,
however not in the same app.


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