Re: Industry Thai Cell-Clustering Rules


] > To Owen,
] > 
] > Addtionally, here is my answere to Owen's questions.
] > 
] >  - How many different rules are in use
] >   
] >    I would say, 2 cell-clustering rules. One is called Wtt2.0. The other,
] >    as explained above.
] I would say: there should have been ONE cell-clustering rule, but WTT 2.0 
] might be too complicated for them.

Not quite sure why you are saying that there should be only ONE because
at least, what we are talking so far, there are TWO. One is Wtt and
the other is Incomplete-Wtt like you name it.

] And there are 3 code tables (not rules) for glyph variations
] (tis620-0,1,2).
] >  - Which ones we need to support
] >  
] >    Just my opinion, how about these.
] >    
] >    	-tis620-0
] >    	-tis620-1
] >    	-tis620-2
] >    	-tis620-2.wtt2.0  <--- I would help on this.
] Mine:
]   -tis620-0  -+
]   -tis620-1   +-> extended WTT 2.0 (single rule, different tables)
]   -tis620-2  -+

That's why I confuse why you are saying that there is only ONE cell-clustering
rule but this one you are also mention about Wtt2.0 cell-clustering rule
as another one too.

Chookij V.

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